拟南芥中 Cys-SOH 的定量鉴定(Huang et al., 2019)
H2O2胁迫下亚磺酰化半胱氨酸的 YAP1C鉴定(Wei et al., 2020)
1.Mitochondrial ROS regulate thermogenic energy expenditure and sulfenylation of UCP1 (IF=64.8, Q1, Nature)
棕色脂肪组织中线粒体 ROS 诱导UCP1半胱氨酸硫醇的次磺酸化状态以驱动呼吸增加
2.Sulfenylation of ENOLASE2 facilitates H2O2-conferred freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis (IF=13.417, Q1, Developmental Cell)
3. Mining for protein S-sulfenylation in Arabidopsis uncovers redox-sensitive sites(IF=12.799,Q1,PNAS)
拟南芥中蛋白质 S-次磺酸化的挖掘揭示了氧化还原敏感位点
4.Pathological hydrogen peroxide triggers the fibrillization of wild-type SOD1 via sulfenic acid modification of Cys-111 (IF=7.109,Q2,Cell Death Dis)